Newsletter 42 April 2018

Newsletter 42 April 2018

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Welkom on the site of the “Interkerkelijke Stichting voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling in Egypte” (I.S.D.O.E.)

Easter greeting 2018 from the Coptic Christians

 from Assiut – Egypt


ISDOE was founded in 2012 and is active in Assiut City in the province of Assiut in Egypt. Here sister organization COSHD was founded in 2015.

ISDOE supports with advice and action. There are 2 projects:

Sewing workshop:

In Assiut, mrs. Jamalaat Izaak active as a sewing lady.

She trains groups of young women. These receive an official diploma as seamstress at the end. This has been recognized by the local Social Affairs department in Assiut Province. With that they can start earning their own expenses.

 Mrs. Jamalaat Izak is busy with her 4th group. So far, 12 young women have successfully completed the training. Her contacts are expanding. Two churches are also interested in her services.


 Mrs. Jamalaat Izaak

 Coordinator of the Sewing workshop

 Medical clinic

A diabetes station has been set up in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city of Assiut. This received an official government permit as a medical clinic in April 2017. It is led by the retired internist Dr. Wageeh Heshmat.

Various doctors help as a volunteer. For example, people are helped daily in the evenings, including many children. ISDOE helped with the basic services such as renting a good accommodation and its furnishing. In addition, it is supported with medical materials and educational material.

Isdoe wants to continue with that. Gifts are therefore very welcome.


Our account number is NL92RABO0177441178 Interk. St. Egypt.


If you want more information, Hennie Davenschot is willing to do this. Her tel. is 0523-262940.


Dr. Wageeh Heshmat

 Coordinator of the clinic


Easter is a new beginning.

Jesus overcame death.

Fear and darkness change into light.

Gives us courage to continue.

We share the hope that we receive from God.

We want to share with hands and heart

what He gave us.

Did you know that the Coptic Christians celebrate Easter on April 8, 2018?


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I.S.D.O.E. is door de Belastingdienst erkend als  ANBI. 

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